My business is more fortunate than many in our ability to respond to the challenge of Corona Virus. When I set up my business in 2016, I was able to embrace the advantages of modern technology. This means that I and all of my staff are able to work from home if and when necessary or convenient.
The following will help us to continue to deliver a high level of client service, no matter what direction Corona Virus takes us all in (provided that the Internet continues to work):-
- We are all aware of the current government and NHS advice concerning hygiene, self-isolation and social distancing.
- We are all able to take a laptop home with us in order to work from home.
- We are a paper-light business, which means that our default position is to send correspondence by email.
- We use Voice Over Internet Phone lines which means that we can each take our desk top telephone home with us and continue to receive calls from the landline. We are even able to transfer internal and external calls to each other no matter where we are.
- If you telephone the landline and your call is not answered, it will divert through to the mobile phone of Ann McCabe or Emma Paxton. If we are not available to answer our mobile, the call will divert to the Call Handling Service who hopefully will continue to be able to provide a 24/7 answering service.
- We can conduct client meetings by telephone instead of face-to-face.
- If the court starts conducting more hearings by telephone, we are ready to accommodate this.
- We are not charging for home visits until further notice.
- Usually it is essential to meet you to verify your identity and ensure legal documents are signed properly. In order to minimise social interaction, we will take the following steps:
- take instructions for Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney by telephone.
- send the draft documents to you in the post and discuss them by telephone.
- if we visit you at home, bring the documents with us for you to sign at the first meeting.
- discuss with you safe ways to verify your identity and sign and witness documents, according to your particular circumstances.
Please speak to me or one of my colleagues if you have any concerns about your personal situation and how we may assist you if, for example, you are in self isolation.
About the author
Ann McCabe is a solicitor and founder of Ann McCabe Solicitors. She qualified as a solicitor in 1993 and has specialised in family law ever since. She has worked in Newcastle under Lyme since 1994.
Ann McCabe
01782 627589