Can I get an injunction?
No one should put up with domestic abuse. The definition of domestic abuse is wide, not just violence or threat of violence.
The police will help protect you using the criminal law.
When a victim contacts the police, a senior police officer may authorise a temporary DVPN (domestic violence protection notice) if they have reasonable grounds to believe that a perpetrator has been violent towards or threatened violence towards the victim. The DVPN can ban the perpetrator from the home and prohibit them from having contact with the victim with immediate effect. The police can then apply to a Magistrates’ Court for a DVPO (domestic violence protection order) which can last between 14 to 28 days. The aim of these DVPNs and DVPOs is to give the victim time to access support and to consider options.
We can help you protect yourself using the civil law.
Sometimes a warning letter from a solicitor can be enough to encourage the perpetrator to acknowledge and change their behaviour. But in more serious situations, we can apply to the court for a non-molestation order. How quickly we apply and whether we give notice of the application to the perpetrator depends on the severity of the situation.
In some circumstances, where relevant, we can apply for an occupation order. This order deals with occupation of the family home. You may need to exclude the perpetrator from the family home or return to live in the home after being thrown out. There are strict criteria that must be met to be able to apply for an occupation order.
Phone us on 01782 627589 for free initial advice about whether you can apply for injunction orders
Most clients qualify for legal aid in cases of domestic abuse. If you are eligible financially you should instruct another firm of solicitors that offers legal aid.
Support services and websites can provide help free of charge, such as Court Nav will help you draft your court application form and is recommended by the Court service.
For information about local support services, go to New Era’s website.
Phone for initial free advice on 01782 627589
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