Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
As you are aware, we have entered unprecedented times with little certainty or clarity.
There will be many of you with a defined child arrangement order or agreement that, due to government guidelines, will have to be changed, for example those arrangements that involve your child’s school as the collection/return point for hand overs.
It is very important to emphasise the need for effective communication between you and the other parent/carer whilst trying your best to agree alternative arrangements, without the need for legal intervention.
The Government’s Staying at Home rules issued on 23rd March 2020 state that one of the 4 reasons for leaving your home is “Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person” and “Where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between their parents’ homes.” Therefore the rules do not prevent the children spending time with both parents.
Further guidance was issued on 24th March 2020.
Jemma Wentworth is available to give telephone consultations to those of you where an agreement cannot be reached. Please call our office on 01782 627589 to arrange a convenient appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: although as at 24th March 2020, we are still able to send applications to court to be issued, due to future uncertainties there can be no reassurances that your case would be issued, or when in the future a court date would be listed.
We therefore encourage you to co-parent as rationally and as effectively as possible throughout this difficult time, whilst ensuring that you consider your child’s best interests at all times.